Get your Groove On!

Written by Miriam Serow!    When my youngest (of 2) was applying for college she began her essay with the following line: My mom always says, “If everyone in the world danced, there’d be no war.” I guess I didn’t realize at the time, but yes, I...

Acceptance is the Key.

It is hard to believe we are in the final weeks of 2016. I know many people who have expressed that they are looking forward to the good feelings and the idea of a fresh start that comes along with each new year. With that in mind, the article that I am sharing this...

Time to Break the Cycle!

  I am happy to report that I did NOT overeat at Thanksgiving! However, my baby ate his weight in cranberry sauce. I know, weird. I even got some yoga in before bed on Thanksgiving. I’ve never felt so good after a holiday traditionally associated with stuffing...

How to Change your Mind about Stress.

Recently, my friend and co-teacher Sally told me about a Ted Talk that she found interesting and she encouraged me to listen to it. It was a talk given by Kelly McGonigal and when I looked it up I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was one of the top 20 most buy...