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I practice because yoga reminds me that I am healthy, strong and flexible.

I practice for the lovely community that is born from breathing in unison, whether I’m practicing with one person or 500 people.

I practice to feel the sweat drip off my skin (sometimes).

I practice for the Savasana (every time).

I practice so I can be a better teacher to my students.

I practice so that I can take what I learn about myself during the challenging moments on my mat out into the every day challenges of my life.

I practice to be in constant buy xenical online without rx communication with the Universe, to realize my purpose, to uncover my true nature, and to be inspired.

I practice to better understand the relationship between my mind, my body and my Self. This understanding allows me to love each part of myself fully, and to share that love authentically with others.

I practice to be vulnerable, to be free, and to remember that truth and love exist in all things.

What do you practice & Why? Leave your comments below!

Thank you for reading! ~ Megan


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