One of my teachers asked a question recently that I have been thinking about nearly everyday since I heard it. Her question was “what do you want your broadcast to be?” When you wake up in the morning and you think about the day ahead do you want to broadcast kindness and love to everyone you interact with? Do you want to broadcast grumpiness and frustration? I don’t think anyone wakes up and intends to share their grumpiness or frustration with people but we all know that it happens and when you interact with someone who feels that way you often leave the conversation or meeting feeling drained and bummed out. On the opposite end of that experience if you have a conversation with someone that is broadcasting kindness and love you often leave the conversation or meeting feeling uplifted, joyful, and a little bit happier yourself. For 2017 I am making a commitment to broadcast love, kindness, listening, softness, and truth. What do you want your broadcast to be? Feel free to comment below and share what you will be broadcasting this year, I enjoy hearing from you!

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