When I made my 2017 vision board one of the biggest pictures that I placed on it said “women who inspire” and I was hoping to of course draw in teachers (of various subjects) that would inspire me in many different aspects of my life. Well, let me tell you, the universe delivered these women to me very quickly!

So far this year some of my new favorite women who inspire include Elena Brower, Gabby Bernstein, and Marie Forleo. One thing they all have in common is they are all living or have lived in the NJ or NY area. I was born and raised in NJ so I think this is no coincidence….

Marie did a talk on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday sessions and I really enjoyed it. The uplifting title of her talk is “Everything Is Figureoutable”.

Just hearing that comforting title made me exhale and feel a little bit better. While watching this video (below) I laughed, I cried, I took notes…it was a good one! If you get a chance to watch it please let me know what you think. Have a great day!
Yoga Teacher + Manager

Everything Is Figureoutable: My Oprah SuperSoul Session

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