This week’s post was written by Sally Delisle

There are several people who stand out during our family move from Maine to Pennsylvania in 2007.

The first is my mom. She climbed into our car, packed to the windows with overflow from the moving truck, two boys, a dog and a cat and made the eight hour drive without complaint. Then, she stayed up until 2am, helping to unpack boxes. She continued to unpack for a full week (and it was actually fun!). Before she left, we exchanged words of love and “I’ll miss you’s”. This time that my mom spent, selflessly helping my family and expressing emotion, displays “acts of service and words of affirmation,” as defined in The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

The second person that stands out during that transition is Sandy E., a QMFA mom, who took our family under her wing. She provided us with a long list of where to go for the best pizza, dentist, pediatrician and water ice in town (can’t beat the mango at Rosemarie’s). She continued to show up on our doorstep, even though her family was also undergoing a short distance move at the time. As the years pass, Sandy is still the one that knocks on the door with treats and a listening ear if I am having a tough day. This clearly reflects an additional Love Language, receiving gifts.

Third, fourth and fifth would have to focus on my husband and young sons. Having left everyone we had known for a lifetime behind, we only had each other to rely on. There were many tears, hugs, conversations, questions and road trips that filled our days during the first few months. It was most important to help the boys feel at home in their new surroundings. Family group hugs started. This emulates the Love Languages of physical touch and quality time.

The Five Love Languages theory is that the majority of us tend to express ourselves by using one of the five Love Languages.

And then there is Alysha Pfeiffer. After seeing an ad in Natural Awakenings magazine for a Free Intro to Yoga class, I signed myself up, asked Sandy E. and few other moms to join me and off we went. The way I remember it, Alysha met us at the door of Studio A with her big smile and soothing voice, instantly melting any new-place-new-face anxieties. I was home. For the next six months I made the drive to Bethlehem several times a week, discovering a new way to practice yoga while being wrapped in a welcoming community of like-minded people.

Physical Touch
At the end of class, Alysha would rub her hands together and gently press down on my shoulders as I relaxed down into savasana. As a teacher trainer, she teaches and gives additional safe adjustments with permission.

Words of Affirmation
One day, finding myself standing in the parking lot asking Alysha about teacher training (something I had dreamed about for years), she said, “Yes! You are meant to do this Sally.” Alysha consistently pauses to choose words that are graceful and draw the best out of others including her students.

Receiving Gifts
I did sign up for teacher training and was granted my first teaching gig at the Yoga Loft on Saturday mornings. This eventually expanded to Monday and Wednesday nights where you can still find me. I had been taken off the schedule back in 2014 when my family planned on moving back to Maine. However, Alysha instantly welcomed me back when the plan changed and we were able to stay.

Quality Time
Last year, she invited me to co-host a retreat to Mexico with her. There are many highlights from that week, one of the best was swinging in hammocks laughing and singing, “Hammock time” to the tune of MC Hammer’s original song.

Acts of Service
As if she hasn’t been busy enough as Manager of the Yoga Loft, mama to her fur baby, Sage, honing her musical skills on the harmonium and building her DoTerra biz, did you know she voluntarily organized dinner once a month at a local men’s home for years?

Alysha undeniably and humbly uses all five.

Fast forward. This past Thursday, April 26th, we celebrated Alysha’s last day as the Yoga Loft manager. The afternoon was filled with balloons, flowers, laughter and yumminess from Vegan Treats. I thought I was going to have to sneak away in tears when it donned on me that we won’t see her and Sage (her canine sidekick) behind the desk anymore. My wise friend Megan said, “But she is OK. She is happy.

You can still catch Alysha with her warm smile, teaching her weekly classes: Tuesday night Level 1/2 class at 6:00pm followed by delicious Restorative Yoga at 7:30pm and her once monthly two hour Restorative Workshop at the Yoga Loft as well as other classes around the Lehigh Valley.

Thank you, Alysha, for the constant love you have shown me since the day I arrived at the Yoga Loft. You are loved and appreciated by so many!

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