Written by guest blogger, Alysha Pfeiffer

615When you walk into my restorative yoga class you are greeted with the warm understanding that you are ready and willing to slow down, get still, and listen to the soft quiet voice within that knows exactly what you need to heal.

This type of yoga practice requires no previous yoga experience, no open hamstrings, and no fancy yoga attire (although if you bring warm socks and something to cover your eyes, chances are you will be glad that you did).

The yoga props will be your best friends throughout the practice. They will be used to support your body in various postures done lying down on your back, stomach, and side body. They will rise up to meet your physical body right where you are. The more you can surrender and drop down into the support of the props, the more the props will rise up to meet you exactly where you are. You will rest in each posture anywhere from 5-15 minutes and trust me, the time flies by!

During this time of deep self-care and nurturing, no one will need anything from you, you won’t hear the constant “ping” of your cell phone, or the beeping of the car horn from the frustrated person in the car alongside you on the highway, or the barking (or meowing) of your furry friends. This time is your own and it will be dedicated to the nurturing and nourishing of your own well-being.

RESTorative yoga has been known to help with the following:

~ Insomnia
~ Anxiety
~Stress & Overwhelm

This Sunday, July 29, I am so grateful to have singer-songwriter John Hufford, from Hellertown PA, joining me for a RESTorative class from 4:00-6:00pm. I have been working on manifesting a musical guest for a few months now and I’m stoked to see what will come of this magical afternoon. Come, lie down, rest, and restore your sweet body and mind while John’s guitar and voice soothe your soul! All are welcome.

Give him a listen here.

Sign up for class here.

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