Dear Friends in Yoga,

Many of you have been attending my weekly morning yoga classes at The Yoga Loft for over a decade. You’ve watched me grow as a person and teacher. You’ve been there to offer kind, encouraging words and share stories of your life’s journey. I think of many of you as friends. This is a very special and rare thing.

And as many of you know, I am due to have my second child, a baby girl, Grace Theresa Morris, on November 12 (my mother’s birthday!). It is with mixed emotions that I must share some major changes to my schedule after her arrival. There are a few reasons for these changes, but overall, I know you can all understand that I have to do what is best for my growing family.

My new schedule, beginning January 7, 2019, will be as follows:

Mondays: Gentle Yoga ~ 4:30-5:30pm

Wednesdays: Prenatal Yoga ~ 5:45-6:55pm

Thursdays: Gentle/Level 1 ~ 4:30-5:30pm

2nd Saturday of every month:
Toddler Yoga ~ 9-9:45am
Infant Yoga ~ 10-10:45am
***Elevator access will be available for both of these classes!

I hope that I will still see you all occasionally in my new time slots. I understand that many of you prefer practicing in the morning, which I totally understand, and which is why I made sure the teachers taking over my AM classes will be a nice fit for all of you.

The new Tuesday morning Level 1 teacher who will permanently take over my class once I go into labor is Kimberly Matlock Heffelfinger.

The new Wednesday morning Gentle teacher who will permanently take over my class once I go into labor is Sally McNeil Delisle.

My Wednesday night Prenatal Yoga Maternity Leave Sub will be Larissa Noto.

I am in deep gratitude to all of you now and always for sharing not only your yoga practice with me, but your hearts as well. I love you.

With gratitude,

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