Simon Park began his Yoga journey in 1995 with Shiva Rea in the World Arts and Cultures Department at UCLA. Later acclaimed by Yoga Journal as “one of the most influential and gifted Yoga teachers of the next generation”, he has been leading workshops, teacher trainings, and retreats around the world since 2002. His free-style Vinyasa is fluid, intuitive, and encourages freedom through self-expression. Profoundly influenced by the teachings of Shiva Rea, Richard Freeman, Maty Ezraty, Joan White, and Dharma Mitra, ‘Liquid Flow Yoga’ feels like a beautiful dance between classical and modern Yoga. Dubbed the “Flying Nomad”, he draws inspiration from road legends such as Jimi Hendrix, who said, “the Earth is my home”.

Whether you attend yoga workshops and trainings regularly, or you’ve never been to any kind of yoga event outside of a weekly class, Simon Park will be both possible and influential in deepening your knowledge of yoga. Join us at the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem this November 9-11 for one of his sessions or attend the entire weekend!

Liquid Flow Yoga – Freestyle Vinyasa
Friday, November 9th 6-8:30pm
A Vinyasa Flow practice that holds the structure and discipline of Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga, infused with an immense creativity and dance-like flow.. a fresh and inspired blend of classical and modern styles. Practice dynamic asana as a movement mediation in an open system that guides the student to experience the practice as an unscripted adventure. Asanas are practiced with a keen eye to detailed physical / energetic alignment and awareness of complimentary and opposing actions. There is an artful focus on creative transitions that add elegance and uniqueness to the flow of the practice. Finally, an observation upon the subtleties of the breath and how feeling of how it effects the body and mind. Principles of Vinyasa Krama are utilized to create an evolutionary practice that aims to challenge, invigorate and harmonize body, mind and soul.

*All levels, beginner’s welcome

Freedom On The Edge – Inversions + Arm Balances
Saturday, November 10th 10am – 12:30pm
Inversions and Arm Balances are pure expression of creative energy flowing through the body. Experience fearless flying, pranic body of power, agility and lightness. Float effortlessly by integrating physical + energetic alignment, dynamic movement + bandha, creative core work and intelligent vinyasa krama sequencing. Learn a pathway of creative flows within a powerful Vinyasa workshop so that you can seamlessly integrate handstands, arm-balances, inversions and flying transitions, to energize your practice. Progressively build toward practicing inversions and arm-balances, first at the wall and with partner assists, then move toward practicing in the center of the room with creative energy and empowered vitality.

*Some yoga experience and adventurous spirit encouraged

The Art of Assisting
Saturday, November 10th 2:30 – 5:30
Learn the approach towards transformational hands-on-assists with physical and energetic alignment. Assisting is a very important element of teaching; a great compliment to good verbal cues. It requires excellent vision, precision, sensitivity, multiple points of awareness and an ego-free approach. A skillful touch has the power to transport your students to a whole new level of awareness. What could take years for a student to understand a particular action or movement, could be done with one precise, effective, supportive assist from a well-trained teacher. Simon honed the craft of hands on assisting through years of travel with Shiva Rea, working with master teachers like Maty Ezraty and Richard Freeman, and teaching students from all walks of life.

*All levels, beginner’s welcome

Restore your Prana
Sunday, November 11th 10am – 12:30pm
Enjoy a slowly developing, flowing sequence of postures that are fluidly powerful and energetically alive; a movement meditation for mental focus and overall lightness. Create space in the joints and spine, calm the nervous system and balance your energy. The asana flow is similar to the way tai-chi is practiced; slow, methodical and meditative. The practice seamlessly integrates fluid namaskars, deep hip-openers, restorative twisting, backbending and calming forward bends. Experience an evolution toward blissful relaxtion, pranayama and meditation

*All levels, beginner’s welcome

$175 early bird pricing until October 12th
$185 after October 12th

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