My First Yoga Class

“Gently begin to wiggle your fingers and toes.” That sentence sealed the deal for me. I was in my very first yoga class, being guided out of Savasana (Corpse Pose), and I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so good. I immediately knew that I...

Yoga FAQ’s Answered!

Here are a few common questions I get from my students.  Maybe you’ve been meaning to ask these questions too, or you know someone who hasn’t started yoga yet because they have these questions. Please feel free to share this blog with them!  Q: What...

Goodbye, Limiting Beliefs!

Limiting Belief: Something I believe about myself that limits my ability to live up to my full potential. Would you like an example? I’m about to get real honest, real fast. … “I am a fat fraud.” WHEW. Feels good to write it down. Now, it’s time to break it down. I...