My hubby sent this photo while I was with a doula client last week. I’m so grateful to live in a time where I can get “in the moment” updates while I’m working away from home. 

If we’re lucky, these beautiful beings will grow up healthy, and if we do our parenting jobs well, part of that means they’ll want to leave the house one day. That makes it especially hard to leave them now, while they are fully engaged and interested in being with us. 

I have always had a hard time compartmentalizing what deserves my attention immediately and what can wait because honestly nothing that I’m passionate about feels like it can wait. My husband, children and home can’t wait. The work I am doing out in the world can’t wait. 

It’s important to both me and my husband that we are present with them as well as maintain a sense of identity outside of being their mommy and daddy. I believe this is a centerpiece struggle for almost every newish parent, whether they are staying-at-home, working over-time outside of the home or balancing an unconventional in between work / family schedule. 

Parents of young children are reminded nearly every day, almost aggressively, that these early years are numbered. They fly by. They should not be wasted. I know it is not lost on new parents that this time is precious and fleeting. And we have absolutely no idea what is in store for us as our children and our problems grow.

So we are encouraged to hit the pause button on every other area of our lives to be with our babies. Career opportunities will still be waiting for us when we decide to come back to them. Yet, at the same time, the pressure is on to somehow have a livable income.

It appears as though I want to have it all. I’m told I can’t have it all. I guess I still don’t believe it!

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