I believe strongly that to heal the planet, we must be willing to heal the parts of ourselves that contribute to its suffering. Personal accountability is hard, but necessary. It’s easy to tell the world to change its ways and values; it’s another thing to have to change our own.” – Seane Corn

I’ve been diving into Seane Corn’s new book and I am unsurprisingly blown away by quotes like the one above. This is what living our yoga is all about. It is one thing to get on a yoga mat and perfect the alignment of a pose and it’s quite another to apply yogic principles off the mat in all of our actions and interactions. I believe Seane does both and that’s why she’s been such an inspirational mentor to me over the last decade. 

Grab a copy of the book and if you want to learn more about how to apply your yoga off the mat, consider taking the Yoga Loft’s 200 hour teacher training. Many people take the course with the intention to deepen their own practice. 

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