It’s funny how one date on the calendar can propel people into making big changes in their lives. Did you know that 98% of new years resolutions are not resolved? Maybe the expectations are too unrealistic or maybe there isn’t a consistent intention to back up the resolution. I love the practice of yoga because each time we get on our mat we are given the opportunity to begin again, not just once a year, but as often as we want. And then there’s no such thing as failure, only minor setbacks on our path to becoming the best version of ourselves. As long as our intention remains clear and constant and we are reaffirming the importance of our resolutions every day, we can begin and end 2020 knowing that we do everything we can every day to show up fully.

I’ve made a few important changes in my life recently that will allow me to spend more time with my family, nurture my own yoga practice and have more freedom to travel!

What are your goals for 2020? Leave your comments below!

Thank you for reading! ~ Megan

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