I skipped my sun salutes on Saturday and Sunday. My girls were both sick this weekend and there was no sleep happening in our house. No sleep. 

I thought about doing it both days! I did, I thought “I should do my salutes!”. But the physical energy required to do 6 and 7 salutes per day was too daunting. The days were too busy and hectic, there was no break in the day to do them. And at night…..you know that feeling when you sit down for the first time after a very long day, your body collapses into a heap on the couch and then your muscles instantly shut down completely, so you are like a big blob of human on the couch… and then remember that one thing you forgot on your to-do list? 


And then you have a choice. I can somehow pull my blob of a body together and just GET. IT. DONE. Or….couchhhhhhhh. 

So yea. The couch won both nights. 

Of course this means that I am OUT of the challenge. I failed. I missed two days. I can’t continue now, what’s the point? In fact, I should probably never step onto my yoga mat again. I simply cannot face the embarrassment. It’s over. I might as well roll up my mat with super glue, hang a big “CLOSED FOREVER” sign on The Yoga Loft door, and pursue my backup plan of being a social media influencer for sweats and mom buns! 

Or. I mean…maybe I’ll just do 1 sun salute right now. Just 1 to close out my practice for this lifetime. 

Oh! That felt pretty good, actually! Ok ONE more, and then that is IT. FOREVER. 

Oh wow. That got the spot in my mid-back that has been aching for days. You know that little spot right on the inner edge of the shoulder blade?! Ok LAST one, here we go.

OH MY GODDDD. I can’t give this up!!! Never ever!! Yoga is LIFE! Yoga is the only thing that can ground me like this during the most insane year of my existence. It is the only physical practice that can give me more energy than it takes. It gives life to my soul, meaning to my life. I LOVE YOU, YOGAAAA! I am so sorry I ever considered leaving you. Please, forgive me. I promise I will never ever skip another day of sun salutes again. 

(approximately 3 days later…) 

So. I skipped my sun salutes today. The day was just too….

Does this pattern sound familiar?! I tried to make light of it (there are more than enough serious things in life these days), but want you to know that this daily battle with yoga (or any other healthy habit) is SO NORMAL and exists for everyone. If this is you – try to allow this ebb and flow to happen. Some days you will be on top of your game, and others – not so much. We rise, and we fall, we rise, and we fall…it’s all good. We’ll get to where we are meant to be at one point or another! 

If you would like a community of yogis to rise and fall together with – join us in The Yoga Haven – our free online community where we provide encouragement, inspiration, yoga & meditation videos, and more! Our Sun Salutes Challenge is ongoing through the month of February – you are welcome to participate, or not 😉


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