What Were You Doing in January of 2010?

(Originally published here and republished with permission): As we close out a decade and move into the 2020’s, many people are taking inventory of their last 10 years. What were you were doing in January of 2010? Take a couple of minutes to ponder these questions: ~...

Practice Self-Care this Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us! If you’ve been in class with me at any point since Thanksgiving, you’ve heard me sing your praises! Self-care is such a hard thing to keep up with during this EXTRA busy time of year. My classes are always quieter between...

Messages from the Universe

My mother died six years ago. I lucid dream occasionally, and ever since her death, when I catch myself in the middle of a dream, I like to spend my time with my mom, for as long as I can manage. In the early morning hours of my daughter’s first birthday, I realized I...

OMing is For Everyone!

OM is a powerful sound. Whenever my baby is upset, especially on long car rides, chanting OM always, Always, I mean ALWAYS ceases her crying. It’s kind of crazy that it works every time and this phenomenon has left me kind of obsessed with OM. If you look up the...