Meditation for Pregnancy: Body Scan

Slowly scanning the body is a great way to calm the brain and nervous system, promote relaxation and bring more awareness to the body. This is helpful whether you are pregnant or not, however, this meditation can be especially helpful to do if you are waking up often...

Memory Meditation

This is an exercise in focus and concentration, eventually leading to meditation. Also, this is a great exercise to do in bed, just before going to sleep! This can take a while, so if you have somewhere to be, set a timer! Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down....

Your Body On Asana

Cute title. What does it mean? When I first decided I wanted to teach yoga, it was all about being so amazed at and grateful for how much better my body felt when I was practicing regularly and wanting to share that experience with others. As I’m aging and...

Getting to Know Rachel Abott.

Dear Friends in Yoga, I am fortunate to have known Rachel for over eight years! She took my twice weekly yoga class at Lutron Electronics back in 2009 and we became fast friends. She took our 200-hr yoga teacher training here at the Loft and after she became pregnant...

A Love Letter to Jessie Thompson.

Y’all, I’m about to get real sappy. The day after I moved to Bethlehem in June of 2007, I walked into the Yoga Loft and asked Jessie Thompson, founder of the Loft, for a job. I started working the front desk on Friday mornings in exchange for free classes and fell in...