How To: Guided Meditation

Many people find guided meditations to be most accessible when they are first developing the discipline to sit. There are vast amounts of free guided meditations on the internet. Many of my favorites can be found on “Insight Timer,” a free meditation app, which offers...

Why Practice Somatic Yoga?

Written by guest blogger, Deanna Nagle What if the aches, pains and decline of aging were completely preventable and reversible? What if you could release patterns of tight or weak muscles created by habit and trauma? This is the premise behind Somatic Yoga, a gentle...

The Five Love Languages

This week’s post was written by Sally Delisle There are several people who stand out during our family move from Maine to Pennsylvania in 2007. The first is my mom. She climbed into our car, packed to the windows with overflow from the moving truck, two boys, a...