A Magical Moment of Presence

My husband was at work and my four year old was BEGGING me to play catch, so I set up the 11 month old in her jumperoo with Sesame Street and my son and I went out back to our little tiny yard. We got started and I was instantly surprised by the power and aim of his...

How to Bring JOY into Adulting

More and more I feel like we, as a society, are collectively failing at adulting.  After getting back from an amazing vacation a few months ago, I realized that my day to day was sometimes completely void of any of the true joys of adulting (RE: Doing whatever we...

Revolution of the Soul

“I believe strongly that to heal the planet, we must be willing to heal the parts of ourselves that contribute to its suffering. Personal accountability is hard, but necessary. It’s easy to tell the world to change its ways and values; it’s another thing to have to...

The Parenting Job

My hubby sent this photo while I was with a doula client last week. I’m so grateful to live in a time where I can get “in the moment” updates while I’m working away from home.  If we’re lucky, these beautiful beings will grow up healthy, and if we do our...

Sutra 1.1

“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” is an ancient text comprising 196 short statements about yoga philosophy. There are four chapters that highlight concentration, practice, progress and liberation through the eight limbs. Not much is known about the...