How to Start a Home Practice.

Here at the Yoga Loft, we are *so* pleased when students choose to practice at our school. We know that nothing beats practicing live, in-person, with your favorite teacher in a group of supportive and kind yogis. However, the practice of yoga can be very personal and...

Master the Senses to Experience Peace

When we are born, we must become familiar with our senses in order to navigate the world. As we age, our work flips— we must learn how to avoid the temptation of being led around by our senses. Our senses aren’t bad, they can inform our intuition. Senses are also...
Legs Up the Wall: Everything You Need To Know!

Legs Up the Wall: Everything You Need To Know!

Legs up the Wall is one of the best poses you can do! It can help with so many different ailments and can be done without any previous warm-up stretches. If you find yourself with a spare wall and some spare time, give it a try! Getting Into the Pose: Some people...

Interview with 300hr Teacher Trainee, Amy Kirk

How did you find your way to the Yoga Loft’s 300hr Teacher Training? The Yoga Loft has been my place for personal practice for a long time. I have felt right at home with the culture of the studio and the friendliness of the other practioners. There are so many...

My First Yoga Class

“Gently begin to wiggle your fingers and toes.” That sentence sealed the deal for me. I was in my very first yoga class, being guided out of Savasana (Corpse Pose), and I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so good. I immediately knew that I...