300 Hour Teacher Training Program

Creating Workshops, Series, & Private Lessons

September 8-10, 2023
6-9pm Fri
9am – 5:30pm Sat/Sun


You’ve been teaching for a while now and have developed some definite favorite topics or are passionate about teaching a certain group of poses or a specific population. Perhaps you want to offer an in depth workshop or a 4 week series but don’t know where to begin. Or you’d like to expand your offerings to include private lessons but not sure how to sequence them, what to charge or how to market them. Private classes, workshops and limited series give us opportunities to share the benefits of yoga with more students and create additional income streams for ourselves. In this module you will create actual templates for yourself that you can market to studios and interested communities. There will be a preparatory assignment to come up with potential ideas for both a series and a workshop.

Join us for this module!

This is a module in our 300 hour Advanced Teacher Training Program, and is also open to the public for CEUs (Continuing Education Units).

The cost to attend this module for a total of 18 hours of CEUs is $399: click here to register for CEU credit.