300 Hour Teacher Training Program

Purposeful Sequencing

January 13-15, 2023
6-9pm Fri
9am – 5pm Sat/Sun


Sequencing is both a skill and a creative art but it can also be one of the more challenging aspects of teaching yoga, often causing stress and burnout. In this module you will learn specific skills along a progressive/regressive model to intelligently create dynamic and efficient sequencing for classes of all levels. By deconstructing a variety of approaches including anatomy/biomechanics, philosophical theming, and region of the body/postural classification, you will learn to tap into your own creativity to sequence classes that inspire your students. We will include such topics as creating complimentary playlists if using music, incorporating additional movements and exercises to build body awareness and strength applicable to asana, and finding balance between offering instruction and offering space for your students to be their own best teacher. You will have ample opportunity over the course of the weekend to develop sample sequences and templates that you will be able to use to guide your students in safe, purposeful and compelling practices.

Join us for this module!

This is a module in our 300 hour Advanced Teacher Training Program, and is also open to the public for CEUs (Continuing Education Units).

The cost to attend this module for a total of 18 hours of CEUs is $399: click here to register for CEU credit.