Warrior Kids Camp Details!


6-9 year olds

Dates & Times:

Monday, June 26th – Friday, June 30th, 2023
9:00-11:30am each day

Daily Schedule: 

8:45-9am Drop-off 
Yoga/movement class 
Craft and/or storytime with an activity 
Snack time (bring from home) 
Game/Mindfulness activity 
11:30am Pick-up

Theme: Kindness

Monday: Be kind to the Earth
Tuesday: Be kind to animals
Wednesday: Be kind to others
Thursday: Be kind to yourself 
Friday: Kindness Kings & Queens!

Cost: $175

At least 2 adults will be present in each classroom at all times. 
Yoga/Movement portion will be led by a certified kids yoga teacher.


***Our 6-9 age group is SOLD OUT. If you would like to be added to the wait list in case of cancellations, please submit the registration form below. Please do not submit tuition payments unless you receive confirmation that you are receiving a spot. Thank you!